Thursday, September 7, 2017

Is Shopify Safe?

The answer is simple: Shopify is the largest, safest e-commerce platform in the world.

Every month, hundreds of people search Google using ‘Is Shopify Safe?’

I want to put that question to bed by confirming that once and for all, YES, Shopify is overwhelmingly SAFE. Shopify is the safest e-commerce platform to launch your business by almost every measure. In this article, we cover the most important aspects of security from an e-commerce business owner’s perspective.

Shopify’s Bug Bounties Program Promotes Safety

One of the most important ways companies can show customers they are serious about security is by providing a ‘bug bounties’ program.

Bug bounties are monetary rewards paid to “white hat hackers,” also known as security researchers, for finding and reporting program vulnerabilities to a company in a responsible manner.

Shopify’s bug bounty rewards range from $1,000 – $5,000 depending on the vulnerability discovered, and they have paid out over $180,000 over the lifetime of the program. This means that instead of trying to exploit these vulnerabilities at the expense of Shopify users, hackers who find a weakness can simply report them to Shopify for some cold, hard cash. This arrangement is much better for everyone involved. 

Shopify is a 3rd Party Platform

Shopify is a 3rd party platform, as opposed to a platform like WooCommerce or Magento, which are open source platforms.

Here’s an easy way to think of why this difference matters: anytime Shopify makes a security update it’s rolled out to 100% of their customers immediately, without any customer interaction or involvement. Anytime a WooCommerce security update is released, it’s the responsibility of the site administrator to apply the patch and upgrade their web server. Without taking this extra step, the site’s security falls behind.

If you’re using an open source platform with many plugins for additional functionality, your risk increases, as each plugin also needs to be maintained and updated separately.

This can quickly become a chore many people don’t keep up on, and malicious attackers will scan tens of millions of sites for stores with out of date software. Once they know who to attack, they attempt to take over the site, commit fraud, or spread malware to your customers.

Failure to update software can also cause a Google search penalty which can kill your organic search revenue unless your site has been remediated by experts.

Shopify’s Best In Class Risk Analysis Tools

Fraudulent orders are extremely damaging to an e-commerce business. When a customer initiates a chargeback, not only are you charged a chargeback fee and lose the cost of the product and shipping, you can be suspended from processing payments by your payment processor. . . as in, unable to take your customers money.

It’s impossible to run a functional business when you can’t get paid.

Shopify makes it dead simple to assess the risk of a fraudulent order and cancel if anything looks suspicious. If you’re experiencing issues with Shopify’s built-in risk assessment, you can supercharge this feature by upgrading to a 3rd party app in the App store.

Besides providing rock star level services for our e-commerce clients, we run our own e-commerce sites. Here are a couple of orders we received recently.

High Risk Analysis in Shopify

On the other hand, this order has many red flag factors correlated with fraudulent orders: the billing address doesn’t match the country the card was issued in, and the card has been used in fraudulent orders before.


Low Risk Analysis in Shopify

Shopify has identified that this order is very likely a legitimate order based on characteristics like billing address and card information.

Shopify Is Incentivized To Keep You Safe

Shopify is a publicly traded company with 500,000 customers, $150 million revenue, and a $10 billion dollar market cap, making it the largest e-commerce platform company in the world. A significant percentage of their revenue comes not from monthly fees, but by taking a percentage of gross sales your store earns. Security risks impacting your ability to generate and grow revenue directly impact Shopify’s bottom line, and as such, they take security very seriously.

E-commerce business growing slower than you planned? Logic Inbound is an e-commerce growth marketing agency that has generated millions of dollars for startups to multinational manufacturing organizations. Fill out our discovery form and find out what we can do for your business.

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